
Name: Annika Bos
Street Name: N/A
Age: 26
Metatype: Ork
Team Role: Markswoman, Mom
Best described as taciturn beanpole, Annika Bos is a wiry 6’3”; thin and dense of frame, rather than strong. Having spent a great deal of time in the elements, her skin is a tad weathered with prominent crow’s feet around her dark brown eyes and frown-lines framing her resting scowl. She keeps her black hair in small braids and ponytails – a low-maintenance style for the Ork on the go.
Bos, as she is preferred to be called, pays lip service to the Approved Corporate Style. While clad in nominal attire of slacks(and a pair of hip-mounted holsters), jacket(concealing a third holster, naturally), shirt, and tie, each piece is well out of the tres chic fashion cycle (and perhaps last seen in Actioneer’s Summer of 2069 collection). Curiously, Bos prefers to wear black business-appropriate shoes(and a fourth ankle-holster) for her day-to-day operations instead of a hardier all-terrain boot representative of her ideal lifestyle. As a nod to the changing times of communication, she has an earbud and subvocal patch that runs wired to her commlink.
It is just a nod, after all.
In keeping with a survivalist scout’s mindset, Annika’s business wear is as well kept as the slugthrowers she carries by day. Each piece is cleaned, pressed, and polished where necessary. Annika Bos prefers to keep her liabilities to an understandable minimum.
An only child born to Tanya Bos in the city of Ann Arbor, MI, Annika quickly learned that the Sixth World is a hard one. Absent a father, as many Ork families are, Annika was taught about the wonders, joys, and dangers of the outdoors at the foot of her grandfather, Miles. A retired gentleman (which is already an oddity in the modern day), Miles taught Annika to shoot, and later to hunt, at a very early age.
The feel of a firearm in her hand kept Annika centered through her formative years, and her skill with such began to draw attention during various sharpshooting competitions in regards to her accuracy and speed – though her metatype was an unspoken black mark on her record, and as a result she rarely won a competition outside of her local area where she was highly favored. Bolstered, perhaps, by recognition of her skill, Annika’s interests branched into trick shooting and pistol-spinning as she found an easy familiarity with any pistol she deigned to pick up. Harkening to the days of the frontier cowboy, she preferred the style, reliability, and heavy trigger-pull of the revolver over the much maligned(to her) semi-automatic pistol. This place of serenity and control would be a constant fallback for Annika as she acquiesced to her mother and focused on her studies at the public schools of Ann Arbor.
Annika entered marital bliss at the age of fifteen to one Jake Porter, a fellow Ork who was attracted to her rough-and-tumble nature and comparative maturity to others in their age bracket. Ever the responsible one(and perhaps signalling a theme that would follow for years to come), Annika mandated that her best chance at success was to attain her diploma and kept Jake at arm’s length regarding children until her education was finished.
Ultimately, her marriage began to strain under pressure. Annika continued to delay the topic of children until an unintentional pregnancy in her sophomore year of college both spelled the end of her academic career and brought triplets into her world. Faced with a tsunami of anxieties, she pulled the first lifeline offered to her in the form of a corporate posting in the Arctic Circle.
Over the following six years, Annika interacted with her old life less and less. Bos threw herself into her work more and more. Her duties expanded from operations support to supply chain management after her superior mysteriously disappeared into the wastes. The outpost was well-run, but just as Bos was feeling comfortable, ParaDynamics pulled her plug. Anxiety growing once more, Bos did as she does best and took the next life preserver thrown to her – which led to a frantic extraction of one friend and another bleeding out next to her in the escaping ambulance.
With nothing to her name but her trusty pistols and a surrogate family in the team she runs with, Annika Bos is ready to survive in the most dangerous jungle of them all: the shadows.