Out of Character #2.04 – Lawbreaking By Design

Continuing with the themes of previous shows this season, Cotton & Jup design a Shadowrun session around the destruction of a datastore based (loosely) on the deletion of Toy Story 2, showcasing how easy (and hard) planning a job can be.

It might not be the best example, but the joy at deleting a much-anticipated blockbuster hit wouldn’t be too Out of Character.

Hosts: Jupiter Sanders & Cotton
Edited by: GrafeClan
Hosted by: Without A Net Podcast

Twitter: @OutOfCharPod

Contact Email: Jupitersanders2078@gmail.com
Copyright: Out of Character, 2020-2021

Without A Net Website: https://www.Withoutanetpod.com

WaN Discord link: https://discord.gg/TbE5Ajc

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