Out of Character #2.08 – Games Inspired by Movies

Ecclesiastes 1:9 tells us “There is nothing new under the sun.”  While the passage can be a bit disheartening it serves as a reminder that there’s an entire world of inspiration to draw from – and for this episode, we look at movies in particular.  Join Out of Character hosts Jupiter and Cotton as they discuss their top movies that inspire their games, and perhaps their suggestions can inspire yours.

Hosts: Jupiter Sanders & Cotton
Edited by: GrafeClan
Hosted by: Without A Net Podcast

Twitter: @OutOfCharPod

Contact Email: Jupitersanders2078@gmail.com
Copyright: Out of Character, 2020-2021

Without A Net Website: https://www.Withoutanetpod.com

WaN Discord link: https://discord.gg/TbE5Ajc

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