Out of Character #2.16 – Converting Popular Characters Into NPC‘s

How would John McClain of Die Hard fame appear as an NPC in a game?  Would his ‘yippie-kai-yay’ be apropos for a fighter?  A ranger?  A bard?

As promised, Cotton and Jupiter discuss what D&D classes would be appropriate for popular characters from movies and fiction – and plenty of discussion about other topics along the way.

Hosts: Jupiter Sanders & Cotton
Edited by: GrafeClan
Hosted by: Without A Net Podcast

Twitter: @OutOfCharPod

Contact Email: Jupitersanders2078@gmail.com
Copyright: Out of Character, 2020-2021

Without A Net Website: https://www.Withoutanetpod.com

WaN Discord link: https://discord.gg/TbE5Ajc

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