Out of Character #2.11 – Evil Campaigns

The Legion of Doom, the Yellow Lantern Corps, the Red Lantern Corps, th-well, you get it.  Evil’s got an allure all its own and sometimes at the table you just want to be bad at being good.  But intentionally.

Listen in with Out of Character hosts Cotton & Jupiter as they discuss planning for, and playing in, evil campaigns.  The pitfalls, the prats, and the plain change of logic it takes to run a successful evil campaign.

They may not be goody-two-shoes, but to say they’re plain evil is Out of Character.

Hosts: Jupiter Sanders & Cotton
Edited by: GrafeClan
Hosted by: Without A Net Podcast

Reddit references during recording:



Twitter: @OutOfCharPod

Contact Email: Jupitersanders2078@gmail.com
Copyright: Out of Character, 2020-2021

Without A Net Website: https://www.Withoutanetpod.com

WaN Discord link: https://discord.gg/TbE5Ajc

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