Out of Character #2.10 – Table Manners

Not just for eating and elbows on the table, manners maketh the considerate gamer. Join Cotton and Jup as they talk about their top pet peeves regarding etiquette at the table – do’s, don’ts, and what-the-hell-man’s.

When the kneejerk reaction is to bottle up your frustration until it explodes, clearing the air seems Out of Character.

Hosts: Jupiter Sanders & Cotton
Edited by: GrafeClan
Hosted by: Without A Net Podcast

Youtube channel Cotton references during recording: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCXR2kCo7Lcw_BKwWxo09kw

Twitter: @OutOfCharPod

Contact Email: Jupitersanders2078@gmail.com
Copyright: Out of Character, 2020-2021

Without A Net Website: https://www.Withoutanetpod.com

WaN Discord link: https://discord.gg/TbE5Ajc

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