Month: June 2021

  • Out of Character #2.11 – Evil Campaigns

    The Legion of Doom, the Yellow Lantern Corps, the Red Lantern Corps, th-well, you get it.  Evil's got an allure all its own and sometimes at the table you just want to be bad at being good.  But intentionally.

    Listen in with Out of Character hosts Cotton & Jupiter as they discuss planning for, and playing in, evil campaigns.  The pitfalls, the prats, and the plain change of logic it takes to run a successful evil campaign.

    They may not be goody-two-shoes, but to say they're plain evil is Out of Character.

  • 15 – VtM: My Time at Portia’s

    Hangovers the morning after are the worst.  Except, apparently, when you get fed upon.  Portia "Cocoa" Bellingham is learning that she might be stepping into something she didn't expect.  

    Sure, there's a chance of fat stacks of cash, but this suave and mysterious guy is kind of a dick - and now he's walking in like he owns the place.

    Or the occupant.

  • 14 – VtM: Camarilla Problems

    Fresh from fisticuffs at the club, the coterie plus a Malkavian troublemaker set out to take care of the usual Kindred duties, as well as set up a hunt for a missing Bradley Kelly - childe of Steven Cohen.
    Cohen, to his credit, knows what the coterie did - and is willing to sweep it under the rug.
    For a price.

  • Out of Character #2.10 – Table Manners

    Not just for eating and elbows on the table, manners maketh the considerate gamer. Join Cotton and Jup as they talk about their top pet peeves regarding etiquette at the table - do's, don'ts, and what-the-hell-man's.
    When the kneejerk reaction is to bottle up your frustration until it explodes, clearing the air seems Out of Character.

  • 13 -V:tM – Club Night

    The coterie hunts for Mr. Kelly and moves to his sire's domain with Cheshire in tow. Adding a Sabbat Malkavian to an Anarch hunt through a Camarilla-held territory couldn't go wrong, could it?
    (Audio quality isn't the best - Bots have bottom priority for Discord bandwidth and we've done what we can for the issues we were seeing.)

  • 12 – VtM: Portents

    The excitement from Elysium now passed, the coterie beds down for the day and awakes to a number of curious events. A sign of things to come? Or are they just happenstance?
    (Audio quality isn't the best - Bots have bottom priority for Discord bandwidth and we've done what we can for the issues we were seeing.)