Month: May 2021

  • Out of Character #2.09: Betrayals

    Born of a Discord discussion that nearly got heated, Jup & Cotton alongside guests Bamce and Oz discuss the trope of the double-cross in tabletop gaming. Is it overused? Underutilized? Done poorly? (All of the above?)
    Tune in and listen to valuable discussion about the backstab and anecdotes about its execution.

  • 11 – VtM: We’re On A Stakeout, Girl

    Cocoa makes some fortunate discoveries regarding the lack of hangover after a raging party, and some...unfortunate ones regarding her best friend Ricky. Grabbing other friends, she stakes out the location where Ricky's phone is broadcasting and makes some...other unfortunate discoveries regarding her position on the food change.
    CONTENT WARNING: Depicts scenes of assault of a sexual nature. Listener discretion is advised.

  • 10 – VtM: The After-Party

    Art, Missy, and Jimmy discuss the aftermath of the party at Carol's establishment, the outright murder of a ghoul by a Kindred that goes by the name of Brady Kelly, the discovery of another murder, and more questions following Missy's encounter down the rabbit hole.
    And something about Baron Walter, whoever that is.

  • Out of Character #2.08 – Games Inspired by Movies

    Ecclesiastes 1:9 tells us "There is nothing new under the sun." While the passage can be a bit disheartening it serves as a reminder that there's an entire world of inspiration to draw from - and for this episode, we look at movies in particular. Join Out of Character hosts Jupiter and Cotton as they discuss their top movies that inspire their games, and perhaps their suggestions can inspire yours.

  • 09 – VtM: Monster’s Ball

    Cocoa and her best friend Jade encounter Carol fucking Jackson and her 'associate' Jimmy for a VIP session - and all that entails.
    Art and Missy, meanwhile, watch the fallout of machinations made behind the scenes. Who could ask for more at a party for dead men and women?

  • 08 – VtM: White Rabbit

    Halloween. A Kindred's favorite holiday; they get to skulk about with the mask off, so to speak. And so we find our intrepid coterie summoned to Haven West - Harpy Carol Jackson's club - for an Elysium before Elysium.
    While the party isn't a place for Missy and Art. there are still things to occupy them both - such as the absence of things for one, and a shock of white fur for the other...